6 Reasons to Go Geothermal

When it’s time to replace your outdated HVAC system, you don’t choose another conventional system to take its place. Homeowners in Jacksonville, North Carolina, should instead consider a cutting-edge option like a geothermal heating and cooling system. From decreasing your carbon footprint to adding flexibility, here are six reasons to invest in a geothermal HVAC system.

Decrease Your Carbon Footprint

Whether you’re looking to create a greener household or interested in renewable energy, you’ll appreciate the way geothermal systems work. Instead of relying solely on electricity, geothermal systems draw energy from underground, where the temperature stays relatively constant throughout the year. Geothermal systems don’t create greenhouse gases, so you can feel good about the impact your home has on the planet.

Lower Your Energy Bill

A welcome benefit of using less electricity is lowering your energy bill. Since HVAC uses a large percentage of your household’s energy consumption, you’ll save every month. You can look forward to putting those extra funds toward other home improvements.

Choose the Right System Type for Your Home

Most geothermal HVAC systems offer similar benefits, but they aren’t all created equal. In fact, there are two types of systems that meet the needs of most Jacksonville homeowners.

A horizontal system generally comes with the lowest price tag, since installation only requires six-foot trenches in your yard. However, because most homes require a few hundred feet of coils, you’ll need a large yard to accommodate this type of system.

If you have a smaller yard, a vertical system might be the better option. This type of system requires deeper trenches – sometimes up to 400 feet deep. While installation can be more expensive, the system delivers big savings over time.

Enjoy Minimal Maintenance

If you’ve been a homeowner for long, you know that conventional HVAC systems need regular maintenance and occasional repairs. If your system is nearing the end of its life, it likely needs constant attention to operate smoothly.

One of the best benefits of geothermal HVAC systems is that they require minimal maintenance. You’ll still want to schedule periodic tune-ups to ensure the system hasn’t developed any minor issues. But you won’t need to budget for frequent repairs. These systems have fewer moving parts and experience less wear and tear, so they’re easier to care for.

Invest in a System That Lasts for Decades

If you’re looking for a long-term solution, you’ve found it. Conventional HVAC components typically last for 10 to 15 years, but geothermal HVAC systems last much longer. The coils generally last for at least 50 years, while the system’s lifespan averages 30 years. That means you can sit back and enjoy the cool breeze for decades to come.

Benefit From Added Flexibility

When you’re considering conventional HVAC options, it isn’t easy to predict what your family’s future needs might be 10 years down the road. Since geothermal systems typically have long lifespans, thinking ahead isn’t so challenging. What if you need to reconfigure your home’s layout or even build an addition in a few years?

Fortunately, geothermal HVAC systems are incredibly flexibility. If you decide to add a room to your home, finish the basement or attic, or make any other changes that impact your heating and cooling needs, a geothermal system can stand up to the challenge. Talk with our team about simple solutions for expanding or adjusting your geothermal system to learn just how flexible these systems can be.

When you’re ready for a forward-thinking change for your home, a geothermal HVAC system is a smart solution. Call Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning at (910) 447-2905 to learn more about these innovative systems and how they can work for your home.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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