5 Common Air Conditioning Problems in Wilmington, NC

If you live in Wilmington, NC, you become accustomed to the summer heat and constant dampness. However, when you want to cool down, you probably want relief immediately. Air conditioners running in humid locales not only run into regular problems. They may also have some issues that are specific to southeastern states. Read on to learn more about these air conditioning problems.

Biological Growth

Biological growth can occur in almost any air conditioner under the right conditions. The chances are more likely when you live in a naturally humid environment. Moisture in the air is the perfect breeding ground for growth. If you think you have biological growth in your central air conditioner unit, an HVAC company can tell you what services are available to you.

Drying the Air Out Too Much

When you live in a high humidity area, your AC system probably has a built-in dehumidifier component. Oftentimes, it’ll overcompensate and draw too much moisture from the air, which will cause the air circulating in your home to be too dry. This can cause problems with your sinuses, eyes, throat and respiratory system. Make sure your HVAC system is designed to work in overly humid conditions. If not, it might be time to update to a unit better suited to your climate.

Dirty Filter

One problem that all air conditioners can have regardless of their location is a dirty filter. Taking the time to find and replace your filter is one of the simplest maintenance tasks to perform. A dirty filter allows pet dander, dust and other allergens to flow into your home, which can wreak havoc on health issues for many people. Changing your filter every three months can help keep the air in your home cleaner. If allergies are severe problems in your family, changing it every month is even more helpful.

Wrong Size AC System for Your Home

If your AC unit was already installed in your home when you first moved in, you might not know that it’s the wrong size. A unit too small may not be able to cool all rooms, and a unit too large won’t be efficient for the space it needs to cool. When you make an appointment for an HVAC tuneup, talk to the service technician about a high-efficiency central air conditioner. You might solve many of your AC problems with an upgrade.

Blowing Hot Air

If you always get hot air no matter how you set your thermostat, go through this troubleshooting checklist:

  • Check the outside part of your system. AC units sitting out in the weather can get clogged with leaves, dirt and anything blowing by. Ironically, you still need to keep about 2 feet cleared around your unit to let air flow through, but that can allow debris to be sucked in. It’s important to have the unit cleaned before heavy warm weather use.
  • Make sure you set your thermostat correctly. For air conditioning, you should set it on cool with the fan set on auto.
  • A refrigerant leak could be the cause. It could be a leak from the condenser coil or other parts of the system. Check the area around your unit for any puddles or damp spots. A leak means a call to an HVAC company is necessary. They will check your unit and let you know if repair is possible.
  • Your evaporator coil could be frozen. If you really like to blast the cold air, the condensation that forms could freeze. A frozen coil cannot work as it’s supposed to, and you could get warm air.

If you feel like your air conditioner needs a thorough tuneup, call Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning. We’re ready to set you up with an appointment and talk you through your options.

Image provided by iStock

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