3 Benefits of Scheduling a Furnace Tuneup Before Winter

When the winter arrives in Surf City, North Carolina, you’ll have plenty on your plate. With plenty of holiday planning, you have little time to think about other things. One thing you should worry about, though, is the performance of your furnace. Schedule a furnace tuneup for enhanced comfort, reduced energy bills and improved indoor air quality.

Enhanced Home Comfort

One of the best reasons to schedule a tuneup before winter is to identify any problems before your furnace breaks down. Even with emergency services, it can still take several uncomfortable hours or days before your comfort is fully restored. The last thing you want to risk is spending the holidays in an uncomfortable home with family and friends, no matter close you are with them. 

Reduced Energy Bills

When you schedule a furnace tuneup, you reap the benefits of having a system that’s always working efficiently and up to its full capabilities. Because the system doesn’t continuously cycle on and off, it’s effectively cutting out the one task that sucks down the most energy. In addition, it doesn’t have to work as hard to hit the temperature on the thermostat, further reducing your energy bills.

Improved Air Quality

Furnaces fail to perform up to their expectations for a number of reasons. But one of the more sinister ones is due to clogged air filters or other particles hindering air flow. When this happens, your furnace spews pollutants into your home and works harder to counteract the clog.

Even if your furnace performed without a hitch last year, age, dormancy and other factors play a role in how it will behave this winter. At Gideon Heating and Air Conditioning, we take the guesswork out of the equation with our expert knowledge of heating systems. Give us a call today at (910) 447-2905.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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