Are Your Pets Damaging Your Indoor Air Quality in Burgaw, NC?

Many families in North Carolina share their homes with beloved pets. While these charming companions make for great household additions, they can also negatively impact the quality of the air you breathe. Here’s what you need to know about pets and indoor air quality in Burgaw, NC.

Pet Allergens and Dander

Animals with feathers or fur tend to shed dander or microscopic flakes of skin. If you have pet allergies, you’re also likely to react to the proteins found in animal feces, urine and saliva. When pets run through the home, they tend to distribute their dander on your furniture, floors and clothes.

Your HVAC system will then circulate these allergens through the ductwork. Too much pet dander and hair in your home can make it impossible to feel comfortable, especially if you struggle with any allergies.

Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

If you have multiple pets in the home, consider investing in better filters. Opt for pleated filters that will last a few months. Fiberglass options aren’t strong enough to keep your air clean and comfortable.

It’s also important to clean your home thoroughly and regularly. Vacuuming is better than dusting because it’ll suck up the allergens rather than redistribute them in the home.

Invest in a Whole-Home Purification System

Air purifiers are another great way to boost your indoor air quality. Keep every room as clean as possible with a whole-home purification system. Installed in your HVAC system, these purifiers work to clean the air before it’s circulated.

Portable air purifiers are helpful in small spaces like individual bedrooms or living spaces. However, high-quality whole-home systems are more reliable and typically last longer.

Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning guarantees excellent indoor comfort services every time you call. Let our exceptional team start protecting your indoor air quality today in Burgaw, NC.

Image provided by iStock

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