Protect Your Profits With 3 Commercial HVAC Efficiency Tips

In Surf City, NC, heating and cooling can account for a significant portion of a company’s energy expenses. Therefore, it’s essential that you optimize your commercial HVAC system for maximum efficiency. Below are some tips to boost your company’s commercial HVAC efficiency.

Ensure the Commercial HVAC Coils are Clean

Much of the work in a commercial HVAC system happens with the condenser and evaporator coils. Evaporator coils deal with the absorption of heat and humidity, while the condenser coils will look to move the heat out of the building.

So, when the coils get dusty and dirty, the system requires more energy to transfer heat. That means reduced operating effectiveness by at least 30%. That, in turn, means an increase in energy use and costs.

Schedule Seasonal Commercial System Maintenance

With every new season, it’s best to schedule a maintenance visit from HVAC experts. A maintenance plan will always keep your HVAC system at top performance levels. The better your system works, the less your annual costs.

An energy audit goes hand-in-hand with your maintenance efforts. Audits allow you to make necessary upgrades to your system. Some utility companies will even offer cost-effective plans for your energy needs.

Change Your HVAC Filters Frequently

Your indoor air quality is vital to the health and comfort of the employees. Dust, dirt and foreign particles can fill up and cover your air filters. As a result, they restrict your airflow, causing your HVAC system to overwork.

Not only will that significantly affect your air conditioning needs, but it also increases your repair and energy expenses. It’s recommended that you change your filters every three months. For better results, change yours every month.

Creating a simple maintenance and cleaning plan will keep your commercial HVAC system working well. Contact our professionals at Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning for any repair and maintenance services for your commercial HVAC system.

Image provided by iStock

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