3 Reasons to Invest in an Air Purifier

Clean indoor air is essential for your health and comfort. An air purifier can help you maintain good air quality in your Surf City, North Carolina, home. Air purifiers trap airborne allergens, remove unpleasant household odors and minimize the spread of germs. Read on to learn more about these reasons to invest in an air purifier.

Trap Airborne Allergens

No matter how clean you keep your house, airborne allergens, such as pollen, pet dander and dust, manage to find their way inside. These allergens often cause minor health issues, like itchy eyes and congestion. They can wreak havoc on people who suffer from allergies and asthma. Air purifiers trap many airborne allergens, eliminate them from your home and create a healthier living environment.

Remove Unpleasant Household Odors

Air purifiers help rid your home of unpleasant odors. For instance, cooking odors can linger for hours and sometimes days after preparing a meal. Pet odors are often difficult to eliminate. Smoke, whether it’s from a fireplace or cigarette, is a hard smell to neutralize. An air purifier traps the particles that cause these odors. As a result, it helps to keep your home smelling clean and fresh.

Minimize the Spread of Germs

An air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter and UV bulb can capture over 99% of airborne germs from illnesses like colds and flu. While using an air purifier isn’t a guaranteed way to prevent these types of illnesses, it can greatly reduce airborne contaminants in your home. As a result, it increases your odds of staying healthy.

Choosing an Air Purifier

Depending on your needs, you may choose to purchase either a portable or a whole-home purifier. Small, portable air purifiers are good for use in small apartments or individual rooms. Whole-home air purifiers will cleanse the air in your entire home. They use your existing ductwork to deliver clean air to every room in your house.

Would you like help choosing the best air purifier for your home? Contact Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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