The Science Behind Geothermal Systems

Heat from the Earth is clean and sustainable. As a result, homeowners can utilize geothermal energy to heat and cool their homes. The residents of Surf City, North Carolina, can benefit from this clean, renewable energy source that has a minimal impact on our environment. Read on to learn more behind the science of geothermal systems.

How Does Geothermal Work?

The most cost-efficient and adaptable heating and cooling method in the world is geothermal. A geothermal heat pump operates in much the same way as an ordinary heat pump. The system uses high-pressure refrigerant to capture heat flowing from outside to inside and vice versa.

Conventional heat pumps capture the heat and get rid of it. A geothermal system transfers heat through liquid-filled pipes buried in the ground. Conventional systems scavenge for heat, while geothermal systems maintain a stable temperature. As a result, they use less energy and help homeowners save money.

How Deep Do I Need to Dig for Geothermal?

There are two types of loops in residential geothermal installations: horizontal and vertical. The horizontal loop system sits about six to eight feet below the surface. With a vertical loop, you’ll need to drill down between 250 and 300 feet. An HVAC professional can help you learn more about the choices available. Our thorough survey of your property will determine your best options.

Why Should I Buy A Geothermal System?

Geothermal heat pump systems represent the cutting edge in energy efficiency for your home.

  • According to a recent study by the EPA, "renewable heating and cooling systems can cut a homeowner’s energy costs by as much as 50 to 80 percent."
  • Geothermal is consistently rated the most comfortable system. There is also a lot less noise and your hot water will heat three times faster.

Geothermal systems are great investments in your comfort and the environment. Therefore, you should seriously consider installing one in your home. To learn more about what a geothermal system can do for your family, contact Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning at (910) 447-2905.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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