What Do Those Noises Coming From Your Air Conditioner Mean?

As technology advances, cooling systems in Surf City, NC, are quieter than ever before. That’s why it’s so alarming when you hear strange noises emerging from your air conditioner. Let’s look at four air conditioning sounds and what they imply.

Banging, Clanking or Knocking Noise

A cooling system’s outdoor unit makes these sounds and often signals that something is interfering with the fan. Something may have loosened the AC fan blades, causing them to collide with other elements of the appliance. It’s also possible that the fan is colliding with an object that has fallen inside the unit.

If you hear banging, pounding or clanking noises coming from your condenser, switch it off and call a professional immediately to avoid damaging the AC fan or another component.

Clicking Noise

If you notice any clicking noises when you turn your unit on or off, don’t worry too much. If you notice clicking noises while your unit is functioning, you might have a problem.

Clicking noises could signal trouble with your AC unit’s thermostat or electric system. While clicking isn’t fatal, it’s advisable to get the entire system looked at so that little issues don’t become major ones.

Squealing Noise

AC units will squeal in the same way that vehicles do when a belt is loose. A loud screeching noise indicates a worn or misaligned AC fan belt.

If you only hear the squealing on occasion, keep in mind that humidity levels might cause the fan belt to contract or expand, causing it to misalign. If you hear screeching, keep your AC unit turned on and running, but call an air conditioner repair specialist right away.

Gurgling Noise

If your air conditioner begins to produce a bubbling or gurgling sound after you turn it on, this typically indicates a problem with the refrigerant or the drain line. Don’t try a DIY air conditioner repair to rectify this issue. Contact an HVAC professional to handle your refrigerant concerns.

Call Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning for professional air conditioning repair in Surf City, NC. We’ll find the problem and fix it fast without taking shortcuts.

Image provided by iStock

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